Canadian Paper Money Society
Official Journal
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Official Journal

The Society publishes a quarterly Journal to record particulars of its affairs, publish papers on banknote and related studies by members and others and articles on various subjects in which the Society has an interest. The Journal contains a wealth of information about paper money and particularly note-issuing banks. Much of what has been published to date has been derived from original unpublished research.

Over the years, the Society has published indices for the Journal and the former Newsletter, prepared by Past President Robert J. Graham. The Journal Index covers 41 years from 1965 to 2005, and the Newsletter Index covers the entireity of the publication from 1993 to 2011. Both volumes include alphabetically an index of both subjects and authors. The Journal Index also includes a very helpful chronology of the Journal issues by volume number and the page ranges. It is a very useful key to the large quantity of material contained in these important publications. Both indices are available for purchase via our website by following this link: CPMS Store.

Canadian Paper Money Articles
The following articles have been made available online:

Bank of Western Canada Vignette

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P.O. Box 562, Pickering, Ontario, Canada L1V 2R7